What is the usual length of a child’s stay at Kemmerer Village? Is there a minimum or maximum length of stay?
The average length of stay for successful completion of the residential treatment program is 10 months. However, because each child and families needs, and circumstances, are different; the length of a child’s stay is dependent upon his or her progress, and successfully completing goals set out in his or her Individual Treatment Plan. We recommend a minimum stay of 3-6 months because it takes time to ensure that positive progress and change are not merely superficial or temporary “adaptations” to the residential program environment. Our state operating license does limit youth who are 19 years or older from being in placement in the program. Otherwise, there is not a limit as to the length of a child’s stay at Kemmerer Village. Our experience has been that if significant, sustained progress hasn’t been shown after 18-24 months, then it is less likely continuing placement will produce any greater benefits.

Certainly the severity and complexity of the issues requiring an out-of-home placement can influence the length of stay. But ultimately, the level of participation by the child and family is the biggest determining factor as to how long that will be.